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Equality & Diversity
Find out how you can teach young children to overcome bias and challenge prejudice.
Find out everything you need to know with your FREE guide to Equality & Diversity by Anne O'Connor.
The field of equality and diversity is very broad and very complex, making it impossible to cover every nuance of such a tricky, and continually evolving, subject in this series. Instead, the aim of this 8 part supplement and subsequent articles is to offer some ideas for reflection, discussion and action that will make a difference to the experiences of the children and families we work with.
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The Equality & Diversity download explores teaching young children to overcome bias and challenge prejudice and looks at the process that must start with early years practitioners reflecting on their own attitudes.
This exclusive download is available FREE when you subscribe for Nursery World magazine.
Part 1- Introduction
Part 2- Gender
Part 3- Age
Part 4- Sexual orientation
Part 5- Race & ethnicity
Part 6- Language & culture
Part 7- Faith & belief
Part 8- Ability
To move towards successful anti-bias practice, early years workers need to:
look at our personal prejudices and how they operate
commit to a process of ‘unlearning’ those prejudices
develop the confidence, skills, knowledge and awareness to challenge bias and discrimination
involve everyone in an active process of change, through having regular discussions and debates
evaluate, monitor and make adjustments constantly to our practice and procedures
build a range of strategies to ensure our settings are welcoming, non-threatening, stimulating and inclusive places to be, where all our children and their families know they are valued, not in spite of our differences, but because of them.
By Anne O'Connor, independent early years consultant currently developing equality and diversity training materials with Lancashire Sure Start Early Years and Childcare Service.
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